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More Turkana films and video material

1990 Rain Dance

As part of a rainmaking ceremony a public dance is held.

Filmed in VHS-C and digitalised.

Length: 49 mins

1986 Initiation (asapan)

The public part of a Turkana initiation ceremony. 

Filmed in Super 8 and digitalised.

Length: 11 mins

2016 Initiation (asapan)

Public ceremony and some private rituals of a Turkana initiation

Length: 34 mins

Crafts (Toposa and Turkana)

To varying degrees the Toposa and Turkana lead their traditional life and produce their traditional handicraft. On the other hand they have adapted new techniques in order to find income niches in the modern (non-touristic) sector. The film focuses on bead work, rural architecture, metal techniques, and fibre weaving, imbedded in the daily life of people.
Length: 28 minutes

1990 Forging Metal Beads

Metal beads are forged by a man (Nakwel). (In most cases this is done by women.)

Filmed in VHS-C and digitalised.

Length: 10 minutes

1990 Entrails Reading

Entrails reading at two different locations. 

Filmed in VHS-C and digitalised.

Length: 6 minutes

2016 Wedding

A contemporary wedding mass of the African Inland Church (AIC)

Length: 36 mins

2016 Tobong Lore

Tobong Lore = Come home. Regular event organised by the Turkana local government, emphasising Turkana tradition

Length: 20 mins

2021 AIC Cultural Service at Kanamkemer, Lodwar

Length: 59 mins

2025 Tobong Lore

Tobong Lore = Come home. Regular event organised by the Turkana local government, emphasising Turkana tradition

Length: 55 mins

All films   © Harald Mueller-Dempf / Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

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